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William R. Sowles

Worshipful Master


The Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge is the highest ranking of all Lodge Officers which a Lodge may elect.


His Jewel is the Square, which is a stonemason's tool to ascertain true and correct angles of the cut and smoothed stone...thus his Jewel symbolizes virtue.

Chester C. Friscoe

Senior Warden


The Senior Warden's Jewel is the Level...symbolizing that all Masons meet on the level, without regard to social, political or religious beliefs or status.

David R. Cobb, PM

Junior Warden


His Jewel of Office is the Plumb... which is a stonemason's instrument used for ascertaining the alignment of a vertical surface.

It symbolizes upright behavior among Masons.

Curtis J. Finton



His Jewel is a Pair of Crossed Keys, signifying he is the Collector and Distributor of all Lodge Monies as he holds the keys to the cashbox.

Jeffrey W. Pinkerton, PM



His Jewel is the Crossed Quill Pens. The Secretary is the Lodge's Recorder.

The Secretary's Lodge Officer Duties require a high degree of lodge experience, Masonic knowledge, diplomacy and, above all, detailed paperwork skills. The Lodge Secretary is the backbone of any Masonic Lodge and he holds a position of great responsibility. He sits to the left of the Master.

John M. Argo, PM



The Chaplain of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed Officer.  He sits to the left of the Worshipful Master in the East.  Together with the Master and Secretary, his value to his Brethren extends far beyond the open Lodge.


Senior Deacon


His Jewel is the Square and Compass with the Sun in the middle. The sun signifies that his position is on the lower level, to the right of the Worshipful Master in the east.

His duty is as messenger of the Worshipful Master, hence he does a lot of walking.

Ronald J. Macom

Junior Deacon



Like his senior counterpart, the Senior Deacon, the Jewel of his office is the Square and Compass, however the Junior Deacon's Square and Compass has a moon in the center (rather than a sun), which signifies that he is in the West.

The Junior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge is an assistant officer of the Lodge. He sits to the lower right of the Senior Warden.

Charles D. Williams



His Jewel is the Crossed Batons.


The Marshal is the Lodge's Conductor or Master of Ceremonies.The Marshal of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the Lodge.

Gary A. Morrissette

Senior Steward


His Jewel is the Cornucopia, which is an exact duplicate of the Junior Steward's Cornucopia. The Cornucopia signifies the "Horn of Plenty". It is a goat horn filled with the fresh fruits and vegetables to denote the "fruits of your labors" and represents a job well done.

Jamal Alfadel

Junior Steward


His Jewel is the Cornucopia, which is an exact duplicate to the Senior Steward's Cornucopia. The Cornucopia signifies the "Horn of Plenty".

Michael S. Guiliano



His Jewel is the Sword, by which he symbolically refuses entrance to anyone who is uninitiated in the Craft. The sword has no scabbard, as it is his symbolic duty to always have his sword drawn, ready for the defense of his post.

The Tiler (or Tyler) of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the Lodge and is sometimes known as the "Outer Guard". He sits outside the closed door of the lodge room, armed with a sword.

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Sacramento, Sacramento County 95814




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